PIPLI PAHAR: According to recent reports, Pakistan’s farmers have been struggling to combat the worst locust plague in nearly three decades as insect swarms decimated entire harvests in the country’s agricultural heartlands and sent food prices soaring.
Heavy rains and cyclones sparked ‘unprecedented’ breeding and the explosive growth of locust populations on the Arabian Peninsula early last year, according to the United Nations.
The insects have since fanned out and wreaked havoc on farms from East Africa to India before making their way into Pakistan from the desert on the country`s southwestern border with Iran. The crisis was so severe that the government has declared a nationwide emergency and urgently appealed for help from the international community.
Officials in Sindh province fear the infestation will devastate the supply of cotton, the local cash crop, ahead of its harvest in the coming months. Local surveys of the damage were continuing, but the Sindh Chamber of Agriculture says nearly half of all crops have been destroyed near Karachi.
“I have not seen an infestation like this one in my career,” said Shehbaz Akhtar, an agricultural official charged with locust eradication efforts in the village of Pipli Pahar in central Punjab province.
Combat operation Local authorities had ‘launched a combat operation’ to clear the area of infestation with pesticide sprays, Shehbaz said.
Clouds of the noxious gas envelop the nearby fields each morning, where villagers gather the husks of dead insects for an official bounty of 20 rupees (13 cents) per kilogram bag.
“We spray twice a day here,” says Fayyaz Azeem, clad in a face mask and thick industrial gloves on top of a tractor discharging pesticide into rows of crops.
But the process was slow and time-consuming, and by the time locusts were killed off in one held they have often already destroyed the next. The pesticides used by officials were also dangerous for consumption, so even when the locusts were dead the remaining crops have to be discarded.
Some farmers have been forced to opt for more desperate solutions while waiting for their fields to be sprayed and have attempted to scare off the swarms by shouting and banging pots.
Agriculture accounts for 20 per cent of Pakistan’s GDP but the sector has already struggled for years in the face of drought and dwindling water supplies.
The country was also experiencing 12-year inflation highs, with the cost of sugar nearly doubling and wheat flour prices jumping 15pc in the past year.
Years without a locust attack meant the government ‘had become complacent’ about the risks of a new infestation, said Pakistan Farmers Bureau president Zafar Hayyat.
Though he applauded the steps being taken to fight the plague, Hayyat warned of the risk that swarms would return mid-year after the next locust breeding season.