The Pakistani livestock sector contributes about 56.3% of the value of agriculture and nearly 11% to the agricultural gross domestic product (AGDP). Furthermore, the livestock sector employs about 30 million people, the vast majority of whom live in the rural areas of the country. Therefore, animal markets are also an integral part in this regard. The topic under consideration is to highlight such methods which were adopted by farmers for selling defected animals in local market
- Animal which is considered for milking couldn’t be milked for at least three days as result udders remain filled with milk and animal seems to be high producing.
- Indiscriminate use of BOOSTIN injection (Bovine Somatotrophin Harmone, a milk production stimulant) which can cause abrupt increase of milk production by bone reabsorption. For taking more instant results than that some people use Oxytocin with high doses.
- Use of NSAID’s in such animals which were showing lameness so as a result withdrawal period of drug animal walk with normal gait in front of buyer.
- As number of rings in horns in general are indicative of animal age so in buffalo cosmetic use of iron bar results in vanishing out of few rings so honors claim that their animal is in first or second lactation.
- A local breed familiar as Desi which was pure white, some people conceive that it is Friesian cow and buy it at higher price.
- Use of oil to polish the animal body so as a result of sunlight reflection animal see be alert and active.
- Rasping of front teeth in order to misconceive animal lower than the original age, as tooth are also indicative of animal age.
- Passing of pipe through food pipe and blindly fill it by water so as to fill rumen blindly and vanishing of Para lumber fossa so that animal remain healthy due to abnormal gastric filling. Some people also misconceive it as pregnant.
- Increase frequency of giving water to animals is also a contributory factor in visualizing animal a healthy appearance.
- Use of wheat flour and then offer free access to water to animal results in induction of tympany to animal and animal seems to be healthy.
- Use of few mild stones of Potash Alum( phatkari) then offer free access to water to animal also results in induction of tympany to animal and animal seems to be was mostly practiced in emaciated animals.
- Combination of gram floor and baking soda in 1liter of drinking water decreases gastric emptying time and seems animal a healthy appearance.
- Some people induce honey bee bites to the udder as a result udder seems larger as result of swelling.
- Application of Mehndi (Lawsonia inermis) on the wounded area for diversion of intention especially in wool animals.
- Broken horns were replaced by horns taken from slaughter house and attach it temporarily with glue.
The topic under consideration proves to informative in public interest especially in context to purchase of animals for Eid ul Azha.